
Dogs + Pet Services

  • Complete and accurate medical records are like a medical diary for your pet. The ability to review your pet’s medical history before the first appointment will allow your new veterinarian to provide exceptional care that is tailored and timely. You can request that your previous veterinary clinic send your pet's records to your new veterinarian.

  • Keeping a dog appropriately confined keeps him safe by preventing mishaps associated with free roaming. Fenced-in dogs are less likely to be hit by vehicles, have fewer aggressive interactions with other dogs, have decreased exposure to contagious diseases, and are less available to pet thieves. There are advantages and disadvantages to electric fences and the choice of fencing is one that takes research and careful consideration.

  • Getting a purebred dog comes with some pros and cons. You know what you are getting but also run a higher risk for genetically tied health problems. Do a little research before selecting a new pup, purebred or otherwise, and remember this: whatever you name your dog, you will call him 'yours' no matter what he looks like!

  • Therapeutic laser is the application of light energy to areas of the body to stimulate healing. This light–tissue interaction is called photobiomodulation. In the past, therapeutic laser was often referred to as low-level or cold laser (as opposed to a surgical or hot laser).

  • Therapy pets can help people with many facets of their health including physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. These pets live with their owners and make visits to hospitals and other facilities to spend time with these human patients. Therapy pets are not the same as service animals.

  • Thrombocytopenia is a condition of low blood platelets, resulting in abnormal hemorrhage and possible anemia. There are many causes, including severe or prolonged blood loss, increased internal destruction of platelets, or impaired bone marrow production. Several diseases and medications are also associated with thrombocytopenia. Treatment may require the replacement of platelets along with treatment of the specific underlying cause.

  • Toad poisoning occurs when a dog is exposed to the toxins secreted by certain species of toads. The two most common species of toads that cause poisoning in the United States are the cane or marine toad and the Colorado River or Sonoran desert toad. While there are toads in Canada that secrete toxic substances, their effects are much less severe than the toxins secreted by the cane or Sonoran desert toads. Death can occur quickly and immediate treatment is required.

  • The tonsils are similar to lymph nodes, and the role of both of these structures is to fight infection. There is a pair of tonsils located in small pouches at the back of the throat that enlarge during infection or inflammation. Tonsillitis usually occurs as a result of another disease that affects the mouth or throat. If an underlying source of the infection can be found, it must be treated.

  • Total ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy (TECA-BO) is a surgery performed to remove the ear canal and a portion of the middle ear. This surgery is performed in cases where the pet is suffering from chronic and unresponsive ear infections. The surgical technique, reasons for performing the procedure, the diagnostic steps, and potential post-op complications are outlined in this handout.

  • The trachea, or windpipe, is the tube connecting the throat to the lungs. Tracheal collapse occurs most frequently in middle-aged to senior dogs (4-14 years), but some younger dogs can also be affected. The most common clinical sign is a persistent, dry, harsh cough, sometimes referred to as a "goose honk". Pets who have surgery for the condition often need medications for life. The prognosis will depend on how well your dog responds to treatment.

Vet Services
We provide a wide variety of veterinary services to assist you and your pet. Learn more about the services we offer and how we're different.

Rehab & Fitness Center
Greenfield Animal Hospital is proud to announce that our new small animal rehabilitation and fitness center is now open! This is a brand new state of the art facility houses numerous modalities.

Pet Salon & Spa
Utilizing part of the upstairs building, Greenfield Animal Hospital added on a full time Salon & Spa Grooming services in the Fall of 2012, to further provide all in one experience for you and your pet!