Becky S.

In Memory Of

I am the office manager and lead receptionist here at Greenfield Animal Hospital. I am fortunate enough to have been here since we opened in February 0f 2011. I have been in the animal care industry since high school.

Ever since childhood I have been fascinated with biology/natural sciences. I can’t remember a time when I was not interested in caring for animals. I have worked in multiple animal shelters,  a wildlife rehabilitation center, to a zoo as an assistant keeper, and now have found my home here in veterinary medicine.

One of the aspects of veterinary medicine that I find very interesting is acupuncture. I will never cease to be amazed at watching previously paralyzed patients walk out after multiple sessions. I think my favorite thing about working here at Greenfield Animal hospital is getting to know our patients and their families and help them make sense of their medical options. And of course getting to greet and love on each and every patient! I always laugh outside of work when people ask how many pets I have, because that number is now in the thousands and growing every day.

When not spending time at work, I enjoy reading, gardening, horror movies, planning trips to Disney and playing card & board games. 

Vet Services
We provide a wide variety of veterinary services to assist you and your pet. Learn more about the services we offer and how we're different.

Rehab & Fitness Center
Greenfield Animal Hospital is proud to announce that our new small animal rehabilitation and fitness center is now open! This is a brand new state of the art facility houses numerous modalities.

Pet Salon & Spa
Utilizing part of the upstairs building, Greenfield Animal Hospital added on a full time Salon & Spa Grooming services in the Fall of 2012, to further provide all in one experience for you and your pet!